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Company ProfilePioneering the way since 1995, VanceInfo Creative Software Technology Ltd. VanceInfo successfully listed on NYSE is the leading China-based provider of IT outsourcing services to Asia Pacific, North American and European clients as well as multinationals in China. VanceInfo offers expertise in a wide range of fields in High Tech, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Retail and Distribution and Telecommunications. We deliver world-class services to global clients in enterprise solutions, application development and maintenance, BI/DW, QA and testing, globalization and localization services, maximizing their ROI and giving our clients The Power to Focus. Our client roster includes IBM, Oracle, NEC, Nokia, HP, TIBCO, and many other leading Fortune 1000 companies.To meet clients’ increasing demands for seamless global delivery and support, VanceInfo, headquartered in Beijing, has built offices and branches in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Dalian, Wuhan, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Tokyo, San Francisco, Seattle and New York in the US to provide one-stop and real-time services. With a wealth of experience and expertise, VanceInfo fulfilled customers’ needs, and was recognized in the overseas market. Please visit www.VanceInfo.com for more information. 公司简介文思创新软件技术有限公司成立于1995年,在美国纽约证券交易所上市,是中国软件外包行业的先行者和领军企业。我们为来自亚太、北美和欧洲的国际客户及其在中国的分支机构提供IT外包服务。文思在高科技行业、金融服务业、制造业、零售与分销业、电信业等领域具备全面的专业能力,为客户提供企业解决方案、质量保证和测试、应用软件开发与维护、本地化与全球化等服务,帮助客户实现投资收益最大化,并使之更专注于自身核心业务。目前,文思已成为众多财富1000强企业的重要合作伙伴,主要客户包括IBM, Oracle, NEC, Nokia, HP, TIBCO等着名公司。为了满足客户对全球交付和IT支持日益增长的需求,文思将总部设在北京,在中国上海、深圳、大连、武汉、南京、杭州、日本东京、美国旧金山、西雅图和纽约设有分支机构,为客户提供一站式的实时服务。文思凭借丰富的行业经验和专业技能,有效地满足了客户的需求,并得到了国际市场的认可。请登陆我们的网站了解更多信息:www.VanceInfo.com